Saturday, August 30, 2014

Being a Feel-y Introvert


Those things are supposed to add up to say something personal about me. I admittedly rolled my eyes and figured this was something like a horoscope- an umbrella of characteristics that many people can stand under but still feel like it individually applies to them... And it kind of is, but I read my description and there were some pretty dead on points. I read things about myself that looked better on the page than I had tried to acknowledge in my own head.
 For example: People tend to think I am very outgoing because I care a lot about what other people have going on and tend to get really involved in things. I am a big sympathizer/feeler/helper and like taking care of people. BUT! Being around people exhausts me. I want to go home and be alone more than anything in the world when I am out with people. I need to recharge. Sometimes I will go days without talking to people I am close to just because I don't want to. It makes no sense to the people in my life but it's how I have always been. It was pretty cool to see that description in the first paragraph of my personality assessment. It totally makes sense now. 
Ye olde test also brought up how INFJ-ites like myself have an easier time getting things out on paper. So true. In a face to face conversation I can hold my own pretty well, but I am going to think of a hundred things I didn't say because things got off track, I didn't get my turn, or I simply couldn't open my mouth and make what I wanted to come out. Ohh but give me some paper. If I can make you read something I can get out every detail of every thought in my head. Imagine all the boyfriends of my life coming home to letters on the coffee table and a locked bedroom door because I am tired of not getting my point across. The keeper ended up being an avid reader. Coincidence? *wink
Anyway- it goes on to highlight several other traits- strong writer, being intuitive, difficult to fool, calm outside, heavy inside, etc. Here is the deal- it was like catching a cool breeze reading all of these things. Ahh, look at how lovely and fitting this personality description is! I enjoyed it, but it didn't tell me anything new. I have spent 26 years coming to grips with myself as a person and I feel like I have the hang of being Kayla Jones, good, bad or ugly. The test gave me a view of myself that I strongly relate to but might not have put down myself, but it didn't' give me any new insight. I don't know how it would influence me as a writer. I don't step away with any new confidence or inspiration. Only a perhaps deeper sense of self understanding and the reinforced notion that I do not like taking tests where I feel like I am filling out an online job application.