Thursday, October 2, 2014


I need to study for my test, which is tomorrow, and I haven't had time. I have been trying to complete other homework like a madwoman with no success, because my baby is sick, and I am not feeling so hot either. I think we have a virus from those god damn mosquito bites. I got my grade back on my lab practical and I didn't do as well as I wanted. Got my first C. I've never even gotten a B on a test and I tanked on this chapter, which is really discouraging because I have no time to study, I am nauseated and tired and now the time I had to study in the morning is occupied by a doctor's appointment. I'm having a panic attack. I feel like I am somewhere between crying and throwing up. This isn't even that big of a deal but I am so not coping with it right now. I don't want to look at this screen anymore. I don't want to take a test tomorrow. I want to lay down and read a book to relax and get a restful night of sleep but I still have so much to do and a poor sick baby to monitor on top of it. I have to just hurry and do this. I have to hurry and do the other thing for this class too. I think its due tomorrow maybe but I have other schoolwork to do tomorrow and I have no idea what the doctor is going to say so I need to be able to compensate for that as well. Oh God this is miserable. I just want to do well and get stuff done but I feel like I am running myself ragged. I want to go back in time to 18 year old Kayla and shake her. Tell her to stay in school and get everything done while you don't have a child and spare time galore. Tell her that whatever idea that made her think that she didn't need to be in school and could get through life just fine is completely wrong and to save herself some trouble and do all of that shit NOW.

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