Friday, September 26, 2014


Today has been about as backwards as it gets. Im a bit of a routine person and I wrecked it. I didn't go to class today and instead spent the entire morning and afternoon going to yard sales with my mom and son. I felt so much guilt over neglecting my class that I almost didn't even enjoy myself. I kept looking at the clock thinking "I should be parking right now... I would still have 20 minutes of lecture... I should be leaving now... I would just now be getting home". Playing hooky doesn't suit me. I know better- but sometimes you just have to enjoy a pretty day with your family. Im sitting in bed now, thinking about eating some leftovers but also noticing that it is almost 11 and not really a prime time to eat a bunch of chinese food. Who am I kidding. It will be a miracle if I finish this post without stopping to go to the fridge. It will also be a miracle if I manage to keep most of my skin intact by bedtime. The mosquitos are having a last hurrah at my house and trying to be outside in the evenings is almost unbearable. I didn't notice it too much but I stopped to swat one off my horses neck only to look down and discover 3 of the bastards feasting on my arm. Naturally they were all over my legs and the back of my neck too. I will be a walking itchy whelp for the next few days. I hope the weather stays warm enough to wear shorts because the thought of jeans rubbing all these bites makes me consider amputation. I have only just recovered from getting into a bunch of seed ticks out in the woods last week. I welcome chilly bug killing weather. Or a bunch of bats and dragonflies eating them all. I joked all summer about turning the barn into "Kayla's Home for Wayward Bats" to combat our horrible mosquito problem. I think I'm done here. I need to go tape some oven mitts on my hands so I don't claw myself to ribbons.

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