Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I went a full two days without blogging. I got sick with some weird stomach thing and totally forgot. I am really not great at keeping up with this stuff. Now I'm sitting here trying to think of something to write about but Im kindof blank. I just woke up from a nap on the couch. I'm pretty sure I still have pillow marks in my cheek from sleeping so hard so my brain is really fuzzy. I need to be studying for my lab practical tomorrow. I don't even know where to start. Well, I know where to start- I have a pretty decent study guide, but I don't know how to start I guess. I am in that special vapor lock that comes with being really out of my routine. Feeling crappy for the last 2 days and trying to function on the motherhood levels alone really took it out of me. My dad is visiting and he is chatting my ear off while I am trying to do this and that is extra distracting. Plus I keep jumping up because my son is still asleep on the couch and I am afraid he is going to roll off into the floor now that I'm not there to serve as a safety rail. I don't know. The washing machine is out of balance and I'm hungry. I really don't want to be sitting here doing this but click click click here I go just waiting for the words on the page to stack up and look long enough that I am confident I have filled the 300 word requirement. I really really need to be studying. I'll finish this and then laundry will be done in the dryer. That leads to folding clothes, then its dinner time, then we eat. Then I give Everett his bath, then he wants to run around and play in whatever Im doing, then its time for bed, and once he is in bed I am either exhausted or all the lights are out and I have to hunch over the glow of my laptop to get anything done. uuggghhhhh.

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